Friday, 26 February 2010


Just a quick note to say that I went to Norton's Dairy this afternoon to get some butter. On Monday, I am making my first lot of additions for this month's batch of ice cream and needed butter for the toffee and crumble. I treated myself to a pack of salted butter too and tried it out on some toast when I got home....the verdict......mmmmmmmmmmmm! Butter just made from double cream with no additives, flavourings, colour or preservatives, well i can't tell you how different it tastes. I'm a convert!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Gimingham Lunch Club

Gimingham is a little village a few miles away from Yummers HQ and they run a lunch club every Thursday for about 20 of the villagers. They usually get meals sent up from the school kitchens in the next village, but a key member of the organising committee is on holiday for 6 weeks and so instead of closing, they have decided to do soup and bread for the duration. I am honoured that they are trying soups from the new Yummers Spring Menu.